Get GA4 Up and Running

Migrate your tracking and configurations from Universal Analytics to GA4 today
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How We Can Help

Ensure GA4 Is Configured and Ready for July 2023

Elevar helps automate the setup of accurate server-side tracking for GA4 and Universal Analytics. Plus our point-and-click Chrome Extension allows you to quickly add event tracking across your website that syncs with Google Tag Manager.

GA4 Custom

Do you have a more robust setup that needs a customized review and implementation? We can help with this as well. Schedule a call so we can learn more about your needs.

GA4 Training

We are also offering limited GA4 training for our customers. This is on an “as available” basis and we prioritize training for Enterprise and PRO plan customers first.


Your 15-day free trial is on us Tune-up Custom Training
Update Admin Settings
Transfer UA Setup over GA4*
GA4 Implementation
GA Reports Created A few standard reports in GA4 Main Navigation Custom, in GA4 UI Up to 5, in GA4 UI
Behavior Events w/Customized Naming Structure
Custom Tracking Requests
1:1 Phone Calls:
Before Implementation
1 hour
After Implementation 1 hour
General GA4 Overview 1 hour
Reports Review 1 hour

Compare Elevar to Shopify GA4 Integration

How are we different?

Google App Elevar
visitor_type Parameter
Product list tracking
Product ID Used

Shopify product id only Customizable
Product Name Used

Parent-Variant (except begin_checkout which is parent only) Parent
Sends All Product IDs

Data on checkout without checkout.liquid


First visit only Fires each time info page visited
add_shipping_info event

add_payment_info event

Doesn’t include product data Includes product data
Server-Side purchase events

Transaction ID

Order Name Customizable
Transaction Value

Subtotal Customizable
user_id Used

page_path parameter

Upsell Checkout
Post-purchase pageview
/checkouts/c/[CartID]/post-purchase /[ShopID]/checkouts/checkout_one_web_analytics
Purchase event
Sent browser side on thank you page. Data based on original order only. Value = subtotal Sent server side based on order create webhook. Data based on original order (does not include products purchased in upsell)
Upsell event
No Sent browser side on upsell accept. Includes data from upsell only.

6,500 Brands Trust Elevar

Unlimited Features and Orders for 15 Days