Ask Better Questions to Get The Answers You Need From Your Data
Brad Redding, Founder & CEO @ Elevar (Connect on LinkedIn and Twitter) shares 40 questions that Elevar customers have asked during their onboarding process. Specifically the questions that they need answers to from their Google Analytics data. You’ll also hear why “accurate data” is so subjective and can be source of confusion without clarity amongst teams.
We release new episodes every week that go deep into the world of tracking, analytics, and conversion optimization. Be sure to subscribe so you never miss an episode.
Articles referenced:
Analytics Ninja iOS15.5 impact on geolocation data in Google Analytics
Also be sure to check out out previous episodes on creating funnels in GA4 and landing page attribution.
And if you’re new to Elevar, Elevar automates server-side conversion tracking for Shopify. Check us out!