Schedule Your Migration Call Today

Due to Shopify’s ecosystem changes, we’re migrating everyone to server-side tracking using Elevar’s server

Important Changes to Your Plan

Your integration uses your own server (on Google Cloud) for server-side tracking. 
 Any tracking you've already set up where Elevar sends data to your server endpoint will continue to work!

However, due to changes in the Shopify ecosystem such as Checkout Extensibility, Pixel API, and Theme App Extensions, we are no longer updating or building GTM server-side integrations. Over 93% of Elevar customers are already using Elevar's native server-side tracking which is our most stable, accurate, and robust offering.

You can continue using your own GTM server but we will no longer support and update this functionality. Migrating to Elevar’s server will enable you with benefits like compatibility with checkout extensibility, sending 2-3x more abandoned cart emails & more.

Your Next Steps:

  • Book a free call with our customer success team.
  • We migrate all your tracking to Elevar’s Server for you.
  • Your unique scenario or questions.
  • We go live together on a call and you get improved campaign ROI!

Book Your Call

Learn about the benefits of Elevar's server & the migration process